Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Family Worship Basket

For the past few months or so, Dan and I have had what we call "family worship times." They're not overly consistent (we're working on that!), but when we do have them...oh, how they refresh my soul! We typically start out by singing a few hymns or praise songs while Dan plays his acoustic guitar. Then we'll either look at a passage of scripture together or use Tabletalk magazine as a devotional. And we end with a time of prayer.

Not too long ago, we had a family worship time, and I realized I was running all over the house trying to find our family bible, the hymnal, our binder full of worship songs, etc. So I decided to gather all of the items in one central location so that I wouldn't be searching in the future. The result? Our family worship basket. And let me tell you, I LOVE it.
It's such a simple idea, but I just love having a special place for our family worship materials. I can just picture our kids (Lord willing!) scampering over to the worship basket to get the family bible and song book so that Daddy can lead us in a time of worship. It brings a smile to my face!

This is a really easy project. All you need is a basket...

I like baskets with liners. They're great because you can switch out the liner for different seasons!

Then add your worship resources. Here's what's in our basket...

Our Family Bible (a wedding gift to ourselves)

A Hymnal (I might have accidentally swiped this from my childhood church...)

Worship music binder (full of chord sheets from our years of leading worship together)

Tabletalk Magazine (started getting this for Dan as a V-Day gift long ago...)

And voila! You have yourself a family worship basket.

What items would you put in your family worship basket?


  1. Great idea, Chels! You guys are such good role models to many young (and old) couples. :)


  2. Guess who's blog I found! And really, praise music? I thought that as a former voice major you would be snooty enough to not sing that ;).

    But on a serious note, it sounds like you guys enjoy your time together! At my house we have weekly spirituality nights that we all participate in so I will let you know if we have some good ones! Also, what is this "Tabletalk" you speak off? The cover photo seems interesting.


  3. @JK Homestead
    You're too kind. Did you like the baskets? I thought you might recognize them from PB:) I think your basket fetish rubbed off on me.

    John Melis, you crack me up. To this day, whenever I see people playing electric guitars on stage and reading words off of a big screen I think of when I dragged you to Campus Crusade with me. And then there was the Intervarsity Rootbeer kegger. Oh, college:)

    Tabletalk is kind of a scholarly daily devotional magazine. The articles are written by some of the top Reformed theologians, and each month covers a different theme throughout. There was actually one not too long ago entitled "Worship matters." You would have liked that, voice major snob;) Here's the link if you want to take a look...
